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Abortion Pill
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Abortion Pill
Abortion Pill
Abortion Pill
The Abortion Pill, also called RU-486, uses two kinds of medication (mifepristone and misoprostol) to induce an abortion privately, safely and effectively in your own home. The abortion pill can be taken in early pregnancy and is an alternative to the in-office abortion procedure (surgical abortion).HOW:
These medications can be used to end an early pregnancy, up to 10.0 weeks. Mifepristone is a pill that terminates the pregnancy, by blocking progesterone. Misoprostol tells the muscles of the uterus to cramp and softens the cervix so that the pregnancy tissue can pass.WHEN:
Mifepristone is taken in our office after an ultrasound and medical evaluation. The misoprostol is taken 24-48 hours after the mifepristone, when it is convenient for you, in the privacy of your own home. This service is offered Monday-Saturday, at our downtown location and Wednesday, Friday and Saturday at our northwest location. Click here to read more about this process. Click here to schedule your visit.LOCATIONS:
Chicago Downtown or Chicago Northwest (Milwaukee Ave.)COST:
Varies based on your insurance, if you are struggling financially there is help available.MORE INFO

1st Trimester Procedure
1st Trimester Procedure
1st Trimester Procedure
A first trimester abortion, or a dilation and curettage (D&C), is a medical procedure where tissue is removed from the uterus. This procedure is performed up to 13.6 weeks into pregnancy. This simple procedure is very commonly performed, and extremely safe.HOW:
The procedure is two steps, first the physician will open the cervix a small amount, usually less than the size of your thumb and then a gentle suction is used to empty the uterus. The entire procedure is normally 5 – 7 minutes. You can choose sedation or local anesthesia with this procedure.WHEN:
This procedure is completed in one day and is offered Tuesday - Saturday. The entire visit is normally 3 - 5 hours with recovery time. Click here to read more about this procedure. Click here to schedule your visit.LOCATIONS:
Chicago Downtown.COST:
Varies based on your insurance, if you are struggling financially there is help available.
Early 2nd Trimester Procedure
Early 2nd Trimester Procedure
Early 2nd Trimester Procedure
Early second trimester abortion procedures are usually performed between 14.0 to 15.6 weeks of pregnancy. We use the dilation and evacuation procedure, also known as a D&E.HOW:
In the early second trimester, we use a medication to prepare (soften) the cervix before it is dilated. The procedure is two steps, first the physician will open the cervix, and then remove the pregnancy tissue. The entire procedure is normally 5 – 10 minutes. We will provide sedation for your comfort.WHEN:
This procedure is completed in one day and is offered Tuesday - Saturday. The entire visit is normally 4 - 6 hours, with cervical preparation and recovery time. Click here to read more about this procedure. Click here to schedule your visit.LOCATIONS:
Chicago Downtown.COST:
Varies based on your insurance, if you are struggling financially there is help available.
2nd Trimester Procedure
2nd Trimester Procedure
2nd Trimester Procedure
Second trimester abortion procedures are usually performed between 16.0 - 23.5 weeks of pregnancy, over 2 - 3 consecutive days. We use the dilation and evacuation procedure, also known as a D&E.HOW:
In the second trimester, we use cervical dilators called laminaria or dilapan to prepare (soften and open) the cervix before the procedure. Once the cervix is dilated, the physician will complete the procedure by removing the pregnancy tissue. The entire procedure is normally 10 - 20 minutes. We will provide sedation for your comfort.WHEN:
This procedure is offered Monday - Friday. The initial visit(s) are normally 1 - 3 hours. The entire visit, on the day of the procedure, is normally 4 - 6 hours, with recovery time. Click here to read more about this procedure. Click here to schedule your visit.LOCATIONS:
Chicago Downtown.COST:
Varies based on your insurance, if you are struggling financially there is help available.
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Unfortunately, we are likely unable to see you for abortion care at FPA Chicago. If you think that you may be less than 24 weeks, please schedule an appointment for a free ultrasound.
If you know that you are 24+ weeks pregnant, you still have options and abortion care is available outside of Illinois. Please contact the National Abortion Federation referral line for more information: 877-257-0012.
If you know that you are 24+ weeks pregnant, you still have options and abortion care is available outside of Illinois. Please contact the National Abortion Federation referral line for more information: 877-257-0012.